3rd August, 2018


Rebuilding a classic

ARB gives your pride and joy an original spin

For years ARB has seen customers buy their dream fourby and head into ARB to deck it out, just the way they want it; ranging from brand new dual cabs to custom chopped wagons and even the rusted out classic sitting in the back paddock. Few 4WDs have held a more iconic place in history than the beloved 40 Series Cruiser. More than 30 years since production of the model ended, the passion for these cars is steadily growing and the roar of the enthusiasts is as booming as ever before.

ARB listened to the pleads of many and after consulting with the product management team, engineering department and production team, ARB is excited to be bringing back the classic 40 Series bull bar. Remaking an accessory that was originally designed for 1970s’ production created hurdles but with such a strong request for this product, it was an easy decision to follow through.

“The ongoing popularity of the 40 Series for both restoration and as a weekend toy offered us the perfect opportunity to delve into ARB’s extensive back catalogue of bars,” says Product Manager, Steve Sampson. “The response to the Icon trip celebrating ARB’s 40th Anniversary again highlighted both the status of the 40 Series and the demand for old school barwork to suit.”

Bars will be made to order in Australia from pre-orders received by customers during the month of August. The cost of the bar will be $1249.00 RRP and will be delivered in quarter 4 of 2018. Customers are encouraged to head to their local ARB store or stockist and place an order so that they can finish their project 4WD with the history preserved.
