Please use the below form to update the details and images displayed on your store’s page.

If you need any assistance with this form, please contact Zhenya or Kurtis in Marketing.


ARB Store Page Details

  • If there is a generic photograph in your header, please submit a high resolution (300dpi), wide-angle PNG or JPG image for your hero shot.
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB.
  • Please submit any changes you require to the 'About' section on your store's page.
  • Please tick the services your store provides so we can add the relevant icons to your page. If you do not offer any of the below, select 'No additional services'
  • If you don't like the top 6 product categories on your page, please list which 6 categories you would like displayed. (you can see the categories available to you by looking at the products page on our website)
  • If you'd like an image gallery to be added to your page, please upload the images you would like to be used here. This section is optional, however high-resolution (300dpi) PNG or JPG images are required.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    • Please fill in any Contact details you would like to add or remove from your page.